From our Community
Latest News in South Park
The purpose of our Angels is to help those in NEED. We concentrate on any one that is located on the 285 Corridor. Post needs online on the My Mountain Town 285 Angels Group or on Facebook.
Child Care Innovations’ mission is to help improve quality, access, availability, and equity in early childhood services and supports.
Helps families that are homeless, working, searching for work or in school find low-income child care assistance.
The video series describes the path of children’s learning and development from birth to eight years old. They’re designed so that everyone who cares for young children can play an important part in giving Colorado’s kids a healthy start.
Is a quality rating and improvement system that monitors and supports early childhood programs and helps parents navigate child care
Improving the behavioral health of our community by eliminating barriers, providing quality care and restoring hope. Fairplay: 719-836-9087 Bailey: 303-838-5013
Ages & Hours: Ages 2 ½ to 5 Full and Half–day classes, 1-4 days per week depending upon age. Developmentally appropriate learning activities, creative arts, large muscle movement, nutritious snacks, story time, music, dramatic play, field trips, speech and motor therapy, hearing and vision screening. 640 Hathaway St., Fairplay, CO 80440
BANK801 Costello Ave. Fairplay CO 80440 – Hours: 9am-12pm on the Monday following the second Friday of the month Government commodities and other foods; income and eligibility requirements.
400 Front Street P.O. Box 592, Fairplay, CO 80440 – Hours: Mon-Sat 11:00 – 5:00
TPECC offers families one-on-one support to find licensed, quality childcare.
A Love of Learning
Begins at Home!
HIPPY is a no cost home visiting
program that helps parents
prepare their child for school
If you have a child that will be 2 or 3 by
October 1st and you want to support their
learning and help them be ready for school,
HIPPY is for you!
The Colorado Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) is a federally funded program that helps eligible hard-working Colorado families, seniors and individuals pay a portion of their winter home heating costs. Our goal is to help bring warmth, comfort and safety to your home and family by assisting with heating costs.
Nonprofit dedicated to conservation in the Mosquito Range, provides free nature science programs for families and children of all ages.
Family Education programs provide early childhood and parenting support for families using a multi-generational approach. Classes, groups, and events are designed to meet the needs of the whole family by offering parent and caregiver education and early learning experiences that foster relationships with other families as well as connections with community services.
Food, rent/mortgage, utilities assistance. Public benefits enrollment assistance for food (SNAP) or health insurance. Eligibility for certain services may vary based on residence location, household composition, income or other factors.
Free child home visits by staff who are passionate about sharing child development information, as well as tips and tricks they’ve learned along the way. The primary mission is to provide the information, support, and encouragement parents need to help their children develop optimally during the crucial early years of life. Visits can be at your home or another convenient community location. to help you be your child’s best first teacher.
The Mountain Peace Shelter, providing short-term emergency shelter for women and children victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and other relationship violence. Safe Pets program to shelter resident pets and livestock. Empowerment Services Program, offering advocacy, referrals, court accompaniment, empowerment education employment assistance, and other support services. 24hr Hotline: 303-838-8181
Raising Colorado Kids Guide is brought to you by the Colorado Department of Early Childhood. This website has information to help you and your family find the support you need, all in one place.
CDEC Mission: The Colorado Department of Early Childhood ensures the delivery of a comprehensive, community-informed, data-driven, high quality and equitable early childhood system that supports the care, education and well-being of all Colorado’s young children, their families and early childhood professionals in all settings.
CDEC Vision: All Colorado children, families, and early childhood professionals are valued, healthy and thriving.
Nonprofit dedicated to meeting the health care needs of Park County residents by helping to facilitate access to care. Can’t find the health care you need? They will try to help.
A family child care with a maximum capacity of 12 children. The home-based provider serves children in the age range of 6 wks.- 13 yr. 300 3rd St. Fairplay, CO 80440
School-Based Health Centers (SBHC) remove the barriers of time and travel to receive healthcare for both students and parents, increasing student seat time and supporting academic performance.
SBHC Services are available for all Park RE-2 School District Students, Staff, and Families. We accept private insurance, Medicaid and CHP+, and Summit Community Care Cards – and can help make financial arrangements as needed. Uninsured students have access to a sliding fee scale.
Free program that offers developmentally appropriate playtime, music, art, story time and snack. Open to any child 0-3 years with caregiver adult. No registration is needed, but we do ask that everyone pick one or the other day, participating on both days is not an available option. Meets twice per week during the school year and once weekly for 6 weeks in the summer.
530 Front St. Fairplay CO 80440 (Entrance in rear of building) – Provides food for those in need 10am-noon 2nd Sat of the month Hours: 10am-1pm Saturday following the second Friday of the month Wide variety of wholesome food including fresh produce provided to residents of South Park area; no income requirements but I.D. required for proof of residency. Emergency services are available at other times by appointment.
Recreation programs and indoor pool for all ages.
1190 Bullet Rd | PO Box 1075
Fairplay 80440
Thrift store has low cost clothing and household goods. They also offer low cost lunch ($6.00) to community members on Wednesdays from 11:30am – 1:00pm.
TEMPORARY EMERGENCY FOOD ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Federal program that helps supplement the diets of low-income needy persons, including elderly people, by providing them with emergency food and nutrition assistance. Call: 303-866-2652 or 888-467-0418
Connects people with assistance, resources and support for living independently in our state. Colorado has a state-supervised and county-administered human services system. Under this system, county departments are the main provider of direct services to Colorado’s families, children and adults. For Colorado’s cash assistance programs, use the Colorado PEAK website
- Bailey Office Phone: 303- 816-5939
- Fairplay Office Phone: 719- 836-4139
Children and families make the transition to kindergarten every year. Parents, caregivers, and educators can use this Kindergarten checklist to start the new school year off right.
TPECC offers families one-on-one support to find licensed, quality childcare.
The Park County Sheriff’s Office Victim Services partners with law enforcement to aid crime victims, families of violent deaths. Advocates offer crisis intervention, info, referrals.
- Call: 303-816-5912
- 24/7 Victim Advocate: 719-836-4121 (press 5).
Believes all parents want what’s best for their children. Vroom provides science-based tips and tools to inspire families to turn shared, everyday moments into Brain Building Moments. Vroom tools are there to help boost early learning wherever caregivers are. Our app, Vroom by Text and Alexa skill harness the power of technology. And print at home resources are only a click away.
Serving: Pregnant, breastfeeding/postpartum women, infants, and kids up to 5. WIC offers free food, nutrition ed, breastfeeding support, health referrals. Higher income eligibility, suitable for working families. Contact WIC Educator: Kari Gallinger 303-816-5974 or 719-836-4161.